Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa Party

Thumbs up for Santa and Dakota!
Jordan and Daniel with Santa

Santa leaving after we all held hands and sang "Silent Night" Boy, that really brought tears to my eyes; you could literally feel the Christmas Spirit in that room! Santa talked about how the greatest gift of all is LOVE and I could really feel lots of love being shared!! I'm so thankful that we have such a close family!!!


karen louise said...

Holy posts!! I hadn't noticed you had done all of these posts! The Santa party was way fun..thanks for Mamma Mia!!! :) I'm going to watch it tonight! I love that poem, too...I am starting to relate to the words in there too!! :)

Derek & Dawn said...

The santa party was so fun! I'm so glad we went! He was really entertaining and I totally started tearing up during Silent Night!

Julie said...

The Santa party was so much fun, it gets better every year. I love it how he talks about love at the end. He is so good

Angie said...

Yes, the party was so fun I'm starting to look forward to it every year and I'm grateful we have this awesome tradition for the kids and us older kids as well! He is an Awesome Santa!!!! Thanks for having it Julie!

Jana Whetton said...

Boy can you fit anymore in there? How fun for all and what memories the kids will all have! NOW you have to talk to the girly girls and figure out when all of you can come up and we'll have the scrapin crapin party that we all have been waiting for! Shell's stress I think she said will be mostly over by Jan 16th. SO look at the calendar and lets DO IT!! I got CS4 for Christmas and can't wait to start getting caught up with Am's life!
Merry Christmas!